The organ of Orio was built between 2011 and 2013. The organ was inaugurated on November 15, 2013. The inaugural concert was conducted by the Professor of Organ of San Sebastián D. Esteban Landart.

In the new organ, 853 tubes of the previous organs were integrated, preserving in their new conception the spirit of the great Basque organists and of the school that they created in Azpeitia.

Technical characteristics.

-Three 61-notes manual keyboards each (Do1-do5).

-A 30-notes pedalboard keyboard (Do1-fa3).

-40 records (32 real games, 6 links and two tremolos).

-Mechanical transmission of notes and records.

-Window console.

-2005 sound pipes.


Stop list:

        I Manual: Órgano Mayor          II Manual: Positivo Expresivo
Bordón 16’ Principal  8’
Flautado 8’ Flauta de Chimeneas 8’
Flauta Armónica 8’ Prestant 4’
Violón 8’ Flauta Dulce 4’
Octava 4’ Nasardo 12ª 2 2/3’
Quincena 2’ Doublette 2’
Lleno IV 1 1/3’ Tercia 1 3/5’
Trompeta  8’ Plein jeu III hs. 1’
Fagot y Oboe 8’
III Manual: Recitativo Expresivo
Flauta Magna 8’
Cor de Nuit 8’
Viola de Gamba 8’
Voz Celeste 8’ Pedal
Flauta 4’ Contras 16’
Octavín 2’ Subbajo  16’
Basson 16’ Contras 8’
Trompeta 8’ Bordón 8’
Clarín 4’ Bombarda 16’
Trémolo Trompeta 8’