II Arqueo Music Days. ”About the hydraulis of the Olmeda”.

II Arqueo Music Days. ”About the hydraulis of the Olmeda”.

https://agenda.diputaciondepalencia.es/evento/ii-jornadas-de-arqueomusica/ Concerts at 7:30 p.m. are free and open to the public. Prior registration is required for the presentations on the 9th and 10th. In 2022, the Provincial Council of Palencia provided the Roman Vilage La Olmeda with a replica hydraulis, a hydraulic organ used in antiquity. The provincial institution rescued this unique musical instrument, which adds to the immense cultural attraction of the archaeological site. The hydraulis of La Olmeda was built in the Workshop of Organ Building and Art Acitores, directed by Federico Acitores in Torquemada since 1983. Building this instrument, which is more than two thousand years old and of which there are scarce archaeological remains, has […]

The Church of the Clergy of Oporto inaugurates the two organs restored by the Workshop of Taller de Organería Acitores de Torquemada

The Church of the Clergy of Oporto inaugurates the two organs restored by the Workshop of Taller de Organería Acitores de Torquemada

Dos empresas portuguesas -Atelier Samthiago, Conservação e Restauro y Atelier Salvarte- han participado también en la intervención de la parte instrumental Se inaugurarán los dos órganos de la Iglesia de los Clérigos de Oporto (Portugal) tras la restauración completada por la empresa Taller de Organería Acitores de Torquemada (Palencia). El presidente de la República portuguesa, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, asistirá al acto en esta iglesia, una de las más importantes de la ciudad, cuyos elementos patrimoniales, además de los órganos, han sido restaurados íntegramente durante los últimos meses gracias al convenio firmado entre la Irmandade dos Clérigos y la Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte de Portugal. Se trata de dos […]